Austin Stone Worship - Jesus True and Only Lyrics

Jesus True and Only Lyrics

You were broken for the broken
You laid down Your life that I may live
A sacrifice so undeserved
All I have to You I give
All I have to You I give

Jesus, true and only, ever reigning on Your throne
May my life be true and only
Yours and Yours alone
Yours and Yours alone

Purified by Your affliction You poured out Your life and I am filled
There is no one like You, Jesus
By Your wounds I have been healed
By Your wounds I have been healed

Our hearts surrendered, we worship at Your throne
All for You, Jesus, the True and Only One

Our King Eternal, who was and is to come
Your name is Jesus, the True and Only One

Jesus True and Only Video

Jesus True and Only Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Jesus True and Only" is a powerful worship song by Austin Stone Worship that beautifully portrays the sacrificial love and unwavering devotion of Jesus Christ. This article will delve into the meaning of the song, explore its inspiration or story behind it, and highlight Bible verses that relate to its powerful message.

Meaning of the Song:

"Jesus True and Only" encapsulates the essence of Christianity - the selfless love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The song speaks of Jesus laying down His life for humanity, even though we are undeserving of such grace. It emphasizes the transformative power of His sacrifice, which enables believers to surrender their lives to Him completely.

Inspiration or Story Behind the Song:

While there is no specific information available about the inspiration or story behind "Jesus True and Only," it is evident that the lyrics are deeply rooted in the Gospel message. The song echoes the central theme of Christianity, which is the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Bible Verses that Relate to the Song:

1. John 3:16 (ESV):
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

This verse beautifully encapsulates the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ, which is the foundation of the song. It emphasizes that Jesus' death on the cross was an expression of God's immense love for humanity.

2. 1 Peter 2:24 (ESV):
"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds, you have been healed."

This verse speaks directly to the lyrics, "By Your wounds I have been healed." It highlights the redemptive power of Jesus' sacrifice, which enables believers to be set free from sin and live in righteousness.

3. Romans 12:1 (ESV):
"I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."

This verse aligns with the theme of surrender and devotion found in the song. It encourages believers to offer themselves as living sacrifices, fully committed to God, as an act of worship.

Creative Subheadings:

1. The Powerful Message of "Jesus True and Only"
2. Unveiling the Inspiration Behind the Song
3. Biblical References that Echo the Song's Meaning
4. How the Song Resonates with Believers
5. The Impact of "Jesus True and Only" on Worship Services
6. Connecting with the Heart of Worship through "Jesus True and Only"
7. Spreading the Gospel Through Worship Music

The Powerful Message of "Jesus True and Only":

"Jesus True and Only" communicates a profound message of love, sacrifice, and surrender. The lyrics highlight Jesus' selfless act of laying down His life for humanity's salvation, despite our unworthiness. It reminds believers of the incredible love that Jesus demonstrated through His sacrifice on the cross.

Unveiling the Inspiration Behind the Song:

While the specific inspiration or story behind "Jesus True and Only" is unknown, the lyrics reflect the central tenets of the Christian faith. The song draws from the biblical narrative of Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and His role as the Savior of the world.

Biblical References that Echo the Song's Meaning:

Several Bible verses beautifully align with the message conveyed in "Jesus True and Only." John 3:16 emphasizes God's profound love for humanity, which led Him to sacrifice His only Son. 1 Peter 2:24 highlights the healing power found in Jesus' wounds, and Romans 12:1 encourages believers to offer themselves as living sacrifices in response to God's mercy.

How the Song Resonates with Believers:

"Jesus True and Only" resonates deeply with believers because it captures the core of their faith. The lyrics remind Christians of the immeasurable love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, stirring their hearts to worship and surrender their lives fully to Him. The song creates a space for believers to reflect on the incredible grace they have received and respond with gratitude and devotion.

The Impact of "Jesus True and Only" on Worship Services:

"Jesus True and Only" has become a beloved worship song in many churches and Christian gatherings. Its powerful lyrics and heartfelt melody create an atmosphere of reverence and adoration for Jesus Christ. The song invites believers to engage in corporate worship, where they can collectively express their love and gratitude to the Savior.

Connecting with the Heart of Worship through "Jesus True and Only":

"Jesus True and Only" serves as a reminder to believers of the true purpose of worship - to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ. The song encourages believers to connect with the heart of worship, recognizing Jesus as the true and only King. It invites them to surrender their lives, acknowledging His sovereignty and lordship.

Spreading the Gospel Through Worship Music:

Worship songs like "Jesus True and Only" play a vital role in spreading the Gospel message. The lyrics of this song convey the essence of Christianity, making it a powerful tool for evangelism. As believers sing and share this song with others, they have the opportunity to impact lives and draw people closer to Jesus Christ.


"Jesus True and Only" by Austin Stone Worship is a deeply impactful worship song that beautifully encapsulates the sacrificial love and unwavering devotion of Jesus Christ. Its lyrics remind believers of the incredible grace they have received and inspire them to surrender their lives completely to the true and only King. The song's powerful message, combined with its heartfelt melody, creates an atmosphere of worship and adoration, allowing believers to connect with the heart of worship and spread the Gospel message. Jesus True and Only Lyrics -  Austin Stone Worship

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